OA Speaker Request Form If you would like to receive a copy of the Speakers List or be added as a Speaker on the list, please fill in the form below. Please be aware that the speaker list is available only for Southeastern Overeaters Anonymous Region 8 (SOAR8). Please select an option: *Request an OA SpeakerVolunteer to be an OA Speaker Topics of Interest: AnorexiaBulimiaCompulsive Overeater Intergroup / National Service Body*-Select one-Aruba (09619)Baton Rouge (09064)Buenos Aires ARGBA IG (09671)CCA Colombia IG (09688)CCA Online Virtual (09664)Central Alabama IG (09119)Central Arkansas IG (09138)Central Florida IG (09016)Central Midlands IG (09080)Central Mississippi IG (09304)Central Office Of Louisiana IG (09023)Costa Rica IG (09604)CSRA OA IG (09220)Gold Coast IG (09095)Grand Strand IG (09431)Greater Atlanta OA IG (09114)Greater Memphis Area IG (09165)Greater Ozarks IG (09346)Guatemala-vale La Pena IG (09551)Highlands Ridge IG (09179)IG De Mg (Minas Gerais) OA (09507)IG Ceara (09505)IG de Comedores Compulsivos Anonimos de Republica (09635)IG Esperanza Venezuela (09634)IG Sao Paulo (09653)IG Virtual Serenidade Online (09679)Interior De Sao Paulo IG (09506)Iscca-ABC Service IG (09560)Junccab Nsb (09962)Love Cuba IG (09576)Manasota IG (09240)Miami-Dade & The Keys IG (09386)Middle Tennessee Ig (09228)New Freedom IG (09089)North Alabama OA IG (09283)North Louisiana IG (09213)Other - Not ListedPalm Beach County IG (09233)Piedmont IG (09185)Pinellas Traditions Intergroup (09412)Puerto Rico IG (09293)Rio de Janeiro (09704)River Valley IG (09577)Sea-Renity Pensacola IG (09493)Smoky Mountain IG (09126)Southwest Alabama IG (09198)Southwest Florida IG (09231)Southwest Louisiana IG (09281)Space Coast IG (09104)Suncoast IG (09065)Triad IG (09445)Triangle IG (09314)Unity IG (09260)Virtual IG Cafe Abstinente (09666) Name* Email* Phone City / State / Country* Length of Abstinence: * Please list any areas you are able to speak about:Examples are Race, Language, LBGTQ, Weight Loss Procedure, or Young People. We commit to supporting Unity with Diversity. Comment Confidentiality AgreementThe information contained in the Speakers List is confidential and is not to be shared outside of Overeaters Anonymous.By clicking the checkbox below and submitting my request for the speakers list, I agree to the following: This list is not to be distributed to the public.This list is not to be copied, printed, or distributed at meetings.This list is not to be posted to any website (local Intergroup or elsewhere) under any circumstances. Terms of Service:*I agree to the terms stated in the Confidentiality Agreement. reCAPTCHASubmitReset Formulario de solicitud de orador de OA Formulario de solicitud de orador de OA Si desea recibir una copia de la Lista de Oradores o ser agregado como Orador en la lista, complete el formulario a continuación. Tenga en cuenta que la lista de oradores está disponible solo para la Región 8 de Comedores Anónimos del Sureste (SOAR8). Por favor seleccione una opción*Solicite un orador de OAVoluntario para ser orador de OA Temas de interésAnorexiaBulimiaComedor compulsivo Intergrupo / Organismo de Servicio Nacional*-Select one-Aruba (09619)Baton Rouge (09064)Buenos Aires ARGBA IG (09671)CCA Colombia IG (09688)CCA Online Virtual (09664)Central Alabama IG (09119)Central Arkansas IG (09138)Central Florida IG (09016)Central Midlands IG (09080)Central Mississippi IG (09304)Central Office Of Louisiana IG (09023)Costa Rica IG (09604)CSRA OA IG (09220)Gold Coast IG (09095)Grand Strand IG (09431)Greater Atlanta OA IG (09114)Greater Memphis Area IG (09165)Greater Ozarks IG (09346)Guatemala-vale La Pena IG (09551)Highlands Ridge IG (09179)IG De Mg (Minas Gerais) OA (09507)IG Ceara (09505)IG de Comedores Compulsivos Anonimos de Republica (09635)IG Esperanza Venezuela (09634)IG Sao Paulo (09653)IG Virtual Serenidade Online (09679)Interior De Sao Paulo IG (09506)Iscca-ABC Service IG (09560)Junccab Nsb (09962)Love Cuba IG (09576)Manasota IG (09240)Miami-Dade & The Keys IG (09386)Middle Tennessee Ig (09228)New Freedom IG (09089)North Alabama OA IG (09283)North Louisiana IG (09213)Other - Not ListedPalm Beach County IG (09233)Piedmont IG (09185)Pinellas Traditions Intergroup (09412)Puerto Rico IG (09293)Rio de Janeiro (09704)River Valley IG (09577)Sea-Renity Pensacola IG (09493)Smoky Mountain IG (09126)Southwest Alabama IG (09198)Southwest Florida IG (09231)Southwest Louisiana IG (09281)Space Coast IG (09104)Suncoast IG (09065)Triad IG (09445)Triangle IG (09314)Unity IG (09260)Virtual IG Cafe Abstinente (09666) Nombre* Correo electrónico* Teléfono Ciudad estado Pais* Duración de la abstinencia* Por favor, indique las áreas sobre las que pueda hablarAlgunos ejemplos son raza, idioma, LBGTQ, procedimiento de pérdida de peso o gente joven. Nos comprometemos a apoyar la Unidad con la Diversidad. ComentarioAcuerdo de confidencialidadLa información contenida en la Lista de Oradores es confidencial y no debe compartirse fuera de Comedores Anónimos.Al hacer clic en la casilla de verificación a continuación y enviar mi solicitud de lista de oradores, acepto lo siguiente: Esta lista no debe distribuirse al público.Esta lista no debe copiarse, imprimirse ni distribuirse en las reuniones.Esta lista no debe publicarse en ningún sitio web (intergrupo local o en otro lugar) bajo ninguna circunstancia. Términos de servicio*Acepto los términos establecidos en el Acuerdo de Confidencialidad. reCAPTCHASubmitReset