Intergroup Funding
- Apply for IGOR Representative Funding if your Intergroup needs help sending a delegate to a Region 8 Assembly. Send completed form to . Due 60 days prior to Assembly.
- Apply for assistance from the PIPO Public Information Funds if your Intergroup needs assistance in carrying the message in your communities like through a poster campaign, a sign on a bus bench, or a newspaper ad. Send completed form to .
- Apply for assistance from the IGOR Carry the Message Funds if your Intergroup needs help to bring someone to your area to lead a workshop or help your Intergroup with a specific event. Send completed form to both and .
- Apply to the Delegate Support Fund to help send a representative from your Intergroup to the WSBC Conference. Send to . This form is due by September 1st. (Region 8 will pass it along to WSBC when/if Region 8 uses all of our money budgeted for this assistance.