Recovery Help
How can you find your way out of relapse and back into recovery?
What can we do to help the member who still suffers?
Our page seeks to provide tools to encourage existing OA members to become or remain abstinent, to work the Twelve Steps and to amplify the quantity and quality of recovery in our Fellowship. The Twelfth Step Within Committee does not focus on attracting new members; it explicitly supports the ones we already have. Anyone who is abstinent and working his or her own recovery can do this service. No special qualifications are necessary; only willingness is needed. We can all help carry the message of recovery through abstinence and working the Steps by (1) being well ourselves; (2) giving service, sponsorship and friendship; (3) encouraging membership retention; and (4) attending meetings and OA events.
How to Take Action:
Online video created by Overeaters Anonymous.
Have you tried over and over again to control your eating and weight, but nothing has worked? Compulsive overeating, undereating, food addiction, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or over exercising… no matter your challenge with food or body image, you are welcome here.
The key to igniting your program is “connection”. We cannot do it alone. Find the connection here.
men•tor [ˈmenˌtôr, ˈmenˌtər] NOUN 1.) an experienced and trusted adviser: OA members who want to connect to other members to provide their guidance and experience in living joyfully in recovery.
A human resource of speakers willing to share their ESH (Experience, Strength and Hope) at meetings, marathons and workshops.